Recently Updated Pages
Certification training- Duration-based certification (6 mins)
Require attendees to watch the Live event for a duration you specify and automatically provide PD...
Create and schedule a Simulated Live event
Simulated Live events are recordings that are broadcast at the date and time you schedule. You ca...
Create and schedule a Live event
Live events are broadcast live at the date and time you schedule. When setting up a Live event, c...
Create an On-Demand event
On-Demand events are recordings that can be watched at any time. When setting up an On-Demand eve...
Assemble or edit an event recording
Use the editing studio to make simple edits to recorded content and to assemble content for any t...
Get assistance running your event
After you schedule an event, you can get personalized assistance with delivering your event. Our ...
Get assistance setting up and running your event
Ensure your next event runs flawlessly, from start to finish. Our experienced event producers can...
Managed event security options
Make your managed event more secure by managing who can access your event and how. Secure your ev...
Integrated audience phone bridge rates
The integrated audience phone bridge can be used to allow audience members to listen to the prese...
Change the event window layout during a live event
During a Live event, you can change the layout of the event window that the audience sees to feat...
Survey and Certification FAQs
This article covers frequently asked questions about surveys and certification. Unless otherwise ...
Share a video during a Live event
In the Live Studio, the Overlay Videos tab shows all uploaded videos. From here, you and other pr...
Set up two-factor authentication
With two-factor authentication, use a secure, app-generated token to verify your administrative a...
Remove embedded fonts from slides
Embedded fonts are not supported. Before uploading a slide deck to an event, you must remove embe...
Add third-party tools to an event
Enhance your events by including interactive tools like captioning, polling, surveys, real-time Q...
Upload audio clips for use in a recorded event
For audio only broadcasts. To include pre-recorded audio in an On-Demand or Simulated Live event,...
Add a third-party video to a custom tab
Enhance your events by including videos that viewers can play at any time. You can include YouTub...
Surveys- In-event Survey Training (8 mins)
In-event surveys are a great way to keep attendees engaged during your event through surveys, pol...
Certification & Exam Training (9 mins)
Test your viewers and provide PDF certificates to viewers who passed the exam. In this video, you...
Surveys- Post-event Survey Training (7 mins)
Post-event surveys are a great solution to survey your attendees, or evaluate them with a short q...