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Upload Slides to an Event

The webcasting platform allows presenters to upload their presentation content so it can be displayed to the remote audience. This needs to be done ahead of time, so the platform can convert it to a format that can be displayed to the audience. Only PowerPoint files are supported by the platform.

To share slides during an event, upload them to your event content. Then, use the Live Studio to advance through the slides and/or animations.

Uploading Slides to the Event

  • Sign in to the Webcast Admin portal. Locate and edit the event.
  • On the left panel, click the Event Content tab.
  • Under PowerPoint Decks, click Upload New Slide Deck from My Computer.


  • Click Choose File and browse to select the slide deck.


  • The slide deck title is automatically generated based on the file name. If you'd like, change the title and click Upload.
    • Enable Process as Images (No animations) to process the slides as static images. This expedites processing time for last minute uploads and flattens content to resolve issues related to complex graphs or charts.
    • Enable Create PDF to create a PDF download of the slides that will be available for viewers to download as they watch the event.
  • Your presentation will then upload to the platform. Do not close the window until the upload is complete.


  • After the slides has finished uploading, an Upload Successful message is displayed to let you know that it is being processed by the system. 
  • The slide deck is displayed under the My Uploaded Slide Decks section with a processing status. Once it has finished processing, the slides are ready to go.


    • Right-click on a slide deck here for additional options.
    • Drag slide deck thumbnails to reorder how the slide decks will appear in the Live Studio.

PowerPoint Requirements

  • PowerPoint Version: PowerPoint 2007 or later
  • File Format: .PPT or .PPTX
  • Aspect Ratio: Standard (4:3) or Widescreen (16:9)
  • Remove any "Read-Only" restrictions or password protection before uploading the file
  • Use only Microsoft Supported Fonts - D=157
    • Custom Fonts can be used, but need to be provided to Support to be uploaded to our platform to ensure Support. Custom font files need to be provided in OTF or TTF format at least 48 hours before your event. Slides decks need to be reuploaded after custom fonts have been installed to utilize custom fonts.
  • Text should be at least 28 points in order to be clearly visible to the audience.
  • Do not embed or insert audio or video clips into your PowerPoint presentation.
    • Audio and Video clips are uploaded separately.
  • Do not link to external images, sites, videos or spreadsheets.
  • Files are limited to 500 MB in size.

Best Practices

  • Upload PowerPoint files at least 24 hours before the presentation start time.
  • Slide decks should be numbered started at Slide 1.
  • Try to keep the background to one color and avoid fading or transitional backgrounds.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If your presentation is not a . PPT or .PPTX file, it will need to be converted before upload.
  • Check if any embedded videos have been removed.
  • If fonts are not displaying correctly, removed embedded fonts from the presentation.
  • If there are formatting issues, you can reupload the presentation with the "Process as Images" checkbox enabled. This will remove any animations or slide builds, but will correct formatting issues.

For additional help, contact Support.